San Francisco, California, USA
440 sqm / 4755 sqft (enclosed area)
250 sqm / 2655 sqft (terrace area)
Oaki Studio
Rather than one large building occupying the corner lot, we propose two smaller buildings, brought together by shared common facilities and semi-outdoor spaces in the form of terraces linked by circulation. A minimum square footage of 500 square foot is further established as a parameter / base unit to ensure a livable condition in a reasonably sized space for 2 people. This base unit is simply stacked to form a grid that could be easily manipulated to adjust to different living conditions. Two units could be combined, adjacent, above or below, to form larger 2-bedroom units or loft like conditions. This could be easily replicated in different corner lots and modified to provide different types of living spaces, while maintaining compact massing. The building is envisioned to provide housing for singles or couples or families with one to two young children. Smaller buildings would not only be more harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood but could also integrate more seamlessly into the community. A contemporary interpretation of the bay window further adds additional square footage to the apartments and brings in additional light to the interior.
San Francisco is known for its colorful residential architecture, which can be found throughout different neighborhoods in the city. From the pastel-colored Victorians houses of Haight-Ashbury to the vibrant facades of the Mission District, the spectrum of colorful architecture adds to the city’s unique charm and character. These colorful structures add a sense of joy and whimsy to the urban landscape and are a reflection of the city’s cultural diversity and artistic expression. While concrete is used as the main building material for this project, the concrete is tinted in a shade of red in order to contribute to this colorful tradition.
Cast-in-place low-emission concrete is the main building material for the project. Concrete buildings are known for their durability, minimal maintenance, and longevity. They are cost effective and provide superior resistance to earthquakes and extreme weather events, making the building a robust investment in San Francisco.
Powder Print, Street-Level View
Powder Print, Elevation View